White Collar Crime Vs. Blue Collar Crime: What’s The Difference?
It is common to hear mention of “white collar crime” and “blue collar crime” in the field of criminal defense. But what do these really mean and what is the difference? In the most general sense, blue collar crime is broadly used as a term for crimes committed by people from a lower social class. Examples of a blue collar crime would be crimes of theft, crimes of violence, street crimes, drug crimes, etc. The opposite is generally true of white collar crimes. It usually involves criminal acts committed by a higher social class, and the acts typically are committed in commercial and business settings. The intention of white collar crime is frequently financially centered, either through personal gain or creating unlawful business advantages. Although white collar crimes are not typically associated with violence or aggression, they are still extremely serious and are commonly prosecuted at both a state and federal level. It is not uncommon to see significant amounts of serve time in prison for a white collar crime conviction.
White Collar Crime: Examples And Conviction Possibilities
As previously mentioned, white collar crime and blue collar crime should only be used as a most basic categorization for crimes loosely based on an accused’s social status. As such it is really a case by case basis to determine how an individual’s case should be handled and assessed. Generally, however, common examples of white collar crime could include crimes of fraud, crimes involving bribery or insider information, forgery cases, and racketeering. Certain levels of theft charges can also be considered white collar crimes. A theft charge that involves theft of property exceeding $24,999.99 can carry similar penalties to other white collar crimes similar in nature. On the subject of penalties, white collar crimes can frequently result in devastating consequences in the result of a conviction. The guidelines for federal laws against these types of crimes are typically utilized in state settings when it comes to sentencing. This results in years, sometimes decades, in prison with little chance of early parole or any parole at all in some cases. Restitution and fines can be in the hundreds of thousands. It can be absolutely crippling and devastating to a person’s life both present and future.
White Collar Crime: First Steps And Forming Your Defense
Facing a white collar crime can be daunting, but an accused’s prospects improve immensely with the right team behind them. Time, as with any case, is the best thing you can give your attorney. The more time you afford them, the more likely they can provide you an appropriate, measured response to the charges against you. Don’t hesitate to get a professional involved in your matter. Your life and money are at stake. We look forward to working with you.