Uno de los mayores remordimientos que comúnmente vemos en nuestros casos de DUI (El manejo bajo los efectos del alcohol) en Cansino Blanchette Law Firm es nuestros clientes no comprendiendo exactamente lo que está sucediendo cuando son parados por un oficial de...
Criminal Charge? Call Our Team For Help.
Cartersville Criminal Defense Law Blog
In Georgia, there is no such thing as “legal separation.” The only way to be legally divorced from your spouse is to file a complaint for divorce, pursuant to Georgia legal procedures, and receive a “Final Decree of Divorce” from a court of competent jurisdiction....
Does your small business need help collecting outstanding debts or invoices? In many cases, a delinquent account can be collected by having an attorney send what is called a “demand letter,” wherein the attorney or firm instructs the debtor that they must pay the...
Estate Planning Package Special!
APRIL 2015 ESTATE PLANNING PACKAGE SPECIAL CBLF is happy to announce that this month only we are offering a special discount for all clients seeking help with Estate Planning! We are offering all new Estate Planning clients a full package deal that includes...
License to Carry: Let’s Talk Guns
Let’s Talk Guns License to Carry: What you Can and Cannot Do • License to Carry: The Basics Over the last few weeks, our clients and followers seem to have a lot of questions about guns. Most of the questions we are getting are from gun owners who want to know...
El Anuncio de inmigracion del Presidente Obama
El Anuncio de Inmigración del Presidente Obama El 20 de noviembre del 2014, el Presidente Obama anunció acciones ejecutivas para solucionar algunos de los problemas de nuestro sistema de inmigración, incluyendo una extensión del programa de Acción Diferida para los...
Understanding a DUI: the FAQs
Understanding a DUI, the FAQ’s: Let’s get right to the point. Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, is a criminal charge that no one ever wants to deal with. A DUI charge can have a massive negative impact on you, your family, and potentially even friends and...
Georgia Legitimation – Establishing a Father’s Rights
Let’s say a child is born and the parents were either not married when the child was conceived, or were not married when the child was born, or have not married since the child was born. In that scenario, the child is “born out of wedlock”. When this is the case, the...
Georgia Probate Law – What do I do if I only have a copy of a Will and can’t find the original Will?
The passing of a family member is tragic, leaving many of us are focused on taking care of funeral arrangements, informing family members and friends, and going through all the necessary documents and tasks to resolve any issues with creditors and the estate of the...
Georgia Child Support – How to Calculate Child Support or Modify Child Support
Attorney Minerva Blanchette with the Cansino Blanchette Law Firm advises on how to calculate how much child support someone should pay or receive in Georgia. She also further discusses how one can seek a modification of child support if there is presently a child...